Dec 16, 2009

Life in the Fast Lane

Dating and job hunting are synonymous. There is little difference between Facebook and Careerbuilder. I have spent hours searching on both and found little to nothing useful. Occasionally, a search query returns a single, attractive blonde with common friends or a local $50K entry level position. In the past, I reacted as most would, I added the blonde bombshell and applied for the entry level position. I know better now. Those queries were microwave searches. I was looking to get something hot fast. My perspective has changed almost completely.

There is no rush, no finish line in life. It's not a race. My world will not end in nuclear discharge. Yet, there is contradiction, it is human nature to want and to want right now. So, I suggest an equilibrium. I want a microwave that cools as quickly as it heats.

Fortunately, my search has been narrowed to only occupation ... but then again, what's the difference?

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