Sep 2, 2009

What Lies Beneath

Hundreds of people sit and stare at computer screens in a 15-story building in Manhattan’s East Village. I sit in the southeast corner of the 14th floor. If I lean far enough to my left and then lean some more, I can see the Financial District outside a window. Directly beneath me is J. Crew headquarters, a Billboard recording studio, Kmart, AOL, subway tunnels, and more.

The floor above me is mostly unoccupied – hundreds of thousands of dollars of empty space. Even my floor is only 70% full. Provided an internet connection, I could accomplish 90% of all work related tasks from anywhere in the world.

Today, I have corresponded with JP Morgan and Deutsche Bank, sold tickets to the US OPEN, researched my picks for an upcoming fantasy football draft, purchased a Dust Buster at Kmart, walked through Washington Square Park, posted to this blog, chatted with numerous friends, searched for apartments, looked for jobs, read through the New York Times, and created an online forum where NYC Mormons can communicate housing, transportation, and commerce.

Do nothing long enough and it becomes your expectation. A woman asked me to do a small, five-minute project today, but because I rarely do anything, I was irritated. Just for fun, I completed it in an hour and eleven minutes. 1:11.

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