Sep 9, 2009

Covet Righteousness

I graduated from Brigham Young University of Idaho in December 2008. I websurf quite a bit these days, and today my past brought me to a BYU-I website. The guidelines and rules it promotes, even demands, are well-intended.

It was at this university where I learned and developed a personal theory: Absolutes are unhealthy (which in of itself is an absolute). The Honor Code at BYU-I is a document that must be signed in order to attend. In fact, it must be followed with strict adherence. If it is not, a student may be expelled or suspended. More, the student may be subject to ecclesiastical discipline.

If I were to attend undergraduate school again, my personal, fundamental differences would lead me elsewhere. Although my Personal Code conflicts with the Honor Code, I suppose I have BYU-I to thank for helping me develop my own moral guidelines.

Killing is not always wrong. Prayer is not always the answer. Open minds can open doors. Closed minds can close them. Circumstance and situation are the fingerprints of life.

BYU-I Student Honor Website

1 comment:

  1. And curfews could prevent the birth of the next great intellectual mind. Think about it.
