Sep 17, 2009

Prior Ties

My big sister photographs for fun. She’s not bad. In fact, sometimes people pay for her service. She posts some work, which often includes family members, here. Two of the photos are of particular interest to me; in these, my little sister is pictured wearing a plaid tie. I have ties to Idaho. The majority of my belongings remain there, including most of my tie collection.

Prior to New York, I recently graduated college. More school was not an option, and I wanted out of my current occupation. The big city, “professional” life seemed attractive and adventurous. So, I entered New York a fish out of water, and eventually, I will leave the ocean for a small stream. This is not to say, however, that I do not like the ocean. It helped me realize my personal priorities.

What do you want to do with your life? A common question asked of students. Post graduation provides reflection.

In New York, I’ve seen a new world. On top of a skyscraper, I look down at Central Park, Chinatown, Harlem, Brooklyn, Queens, the entire New York Metropolitan Sea. In its water I see a clear reflection of my life – family, friends, goals and aspirations, and priorities. New York is my big sister, Idaho my little. She has been of great help, but now my little sister needs me.

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