Nov 11, 2009

Science is Golden

It is widely known at work that I am a Mormon. I try to disassociate with this term as much as possible, but I am marked. All roads lead back to it. Certain superiors at work also know about my health history, and during a regular interview at work my health became a topic of discussion.

“How’s your health?” my manager asked.
“Oh, I’m just fine. Thanks for asking,” I said.
“Well, that’s good … you know, I was just curious, if you don’t mind me asking …” my manager started.
“Yes, go ahead,” I said.
“… Can you, err, are you allowed to see doctors in your religion?”
“No,” I answered, “It makes things really difficult for me.”

His face sunk and then his shoulders. He looked at me as if I were a lost child; I felt like Jett Travolta. “You know I’m joking, right?” He smiled with caution and I laughed like a Mormon.

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