Nov 3, 2009

Fair in Height 2’12”

“Life is not fair,” this is a common and widely accepted phrase. As pictured, mankind is not entirely equal. People are born with different unalterable genes. On the other hand, regardless of size and color, skin is the greatest physical commonality man shares.

Any dermatologist will tell you that annoying people get under the skin and reside within the dermis. A histologist will advise that digging them out is pointless; they must be absolved.

Above the people in the dermis is a different layer, the epidermis. It records life one mark at a time. Each scar journals another story. The deepest scars often lie below the epidermis and underneath the dermis. These scars, within the hypodermis, tell a different tale and eventually dissolve into the bloodstream. This is how blood boils.

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