Nov 6, 2009

The Long and Windy Road Less Traveled

After a meeting with HR discussing my “leave of absence” and possible part-time work, I returned to my island desk. Bored, my thoughts traveled to a time when tears poured into my belly preventing infection and when chicken broth was the highlight of my day. The pain came in throbs with varied intensity. I tried to keep my saline solution to myself.

Sitting at my desk, a new kind of infection, I tried to reenact the emotion with a series of sad online video clips. I wanted to cry at work. I saw it as a self-mastery challenge. My attempts failed, so I went to lunch.

My favorite nearby Chinese restaurant accepts cash only, and I was clean out. I stopped at Kmart, bought some peppered beef jerky, and requested cash back. Alas, orange chicken warmed my belly. The fortune cookie read, “Two people shorten a road.” Of course, this can’t be true. A road is a defined length regardless of how many people travel its path. However, company makes the journey much more bearable.

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