Oct 21, 2009

Mickey Mouse Sins, Too III

News Flash: The flyer has been released to the general population. I've included the email. Again, I have altered names to protect reputations.

Dear Fundamentalists,
Attached is the flyer for the Halloween activity. Thanks to Mickey for making it for us! Please distribute it in your buildings, hang it on bulletin boards, print out small copies to pass out with the program in your wards on Sunday. Also, have it posted in your ward emails and announced verbally in the meetings. Remember - if you are the only rep in your ward and you don't get the word out, nobody does.

Seems fine and dandy ... BUT the flyer was altered.
  • Young Single Adults and Single Adults were exclusively invited.
  • Baby Hitler was removed,
  • This line was added, "Also, keep costumes free of blood and gore and NO CROSS-DRESSING!"

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