Jun 10, 2011

Shallow Soup

Today, I had lunch plans with a few co-workers, some of which aren't often in my office. We had tentative plans to meet at The Old Spaghetti Factory but changed our minds (follow the link to see why). Friday lunch is a time reserved for gossip, complaints, and ridiculous speculation ... it's quite enjoyable.

However, just before lunch, a co-worker slipped into the Ladies Room. While she was powdering her nose, our superior entered stage right. Our plans were immediately foiled. The Boss took us to China Chilli. My meal was tasteful and delivered before I could unfold my napkin, but something different resonated with me at lunch today. Without the gossip and with all of the work-related conversation, my eyes rarely moved from my egg drop soup.

While I don't mind egg drop soup, I typically prefer wonton soup. Three items held my attention as I stared into the soup's murky allure. First, corn was inserted into the egg, broth, and mysterious meat. Second, the bowl was oddly shallow, almost like a plate. Third, I couldn't seem to shake the less than attractive appearance of the soup. More, this soup was the highlight of my day. After a sip of this wonder, I wanted to add pepper to spice up its misshapen face, but I couldn't bring myself to alter the grotesque beauty.

Maybe I'm too picky.

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