May 10, 2010

Light Tennis

A few days past, two friends in their mid-twenties played tennis on Skyline High School courts in Idaho Falls, ID. School, of course, is still in session. The strange, sonar bell rang around 12:20 indicating lunchtime for the students. A student parking lot expands the entire length of the south side of the four tennis courts. For 45 minutes cars buzzed in and out, leaving and then returning from lunch. A small truck returned from lunch and parked near the two friends around 12:45.

The door opened a few inches, a few more, and finally a girl appeared. Then, the friend serving on the south baseline stopped. He caught the tennis ball on his serve toss instead of striking the ball. He inhaled and caught an aroma too strong to be natural, and then perfume flooded his olfactory.

"Can you smell that?" he said to his tennis partner. "Somebody is using way too much perfume." He tossed the ball, served, and eventually lost the game. The two friends switched sides.

"You're right. It does smell over here. Somebody must have went home and smoked their lunch," he said.

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