I was asked to create a flyer for an upcoming Halloween Dance/Costume Party. I hesitantly accepted the request. I have included the flyer and some of the email dialogue. I changed some names to protect the ignorant. I was asked to make this flyer on a Saturday night. I was urged to have it submitted before church on Sunday
the next day. I complied. Four days later, I received this email:
Dear "Mickey,"
I loved the creativity in the flyer. It was really catchy. For the purposes of this activity, however, we are looking for something a little more conservative. We encourage people not to wear bloody costumes so would you mind changing the picture to something more warm and fuzzy like a jack-o-lantern or something similar? Also, would you mind making the disclaimer more gentle? Think G rated Disney movie. I'm excited to see what you come up with because I really did like your flyer. Sorry for taking so long to get back to you.

The flyer was similar to the one posted here. Please click on the image to the right to enlarge. You should be able to read the woman's fanciful question and the fun, yet dark, disclaimer at the bottom. Again, I had to block out the real name used in the disclaimer. For fun, let's call him "
Please stay tuned for a "G Rated" updated flyer.
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