Jul 6, 2012

An Offer I Can Refuse

I received a job offer a few days ago for a substantial amount more money than my current salary. Yet, after much thought, I turned it down. I deliberately chose to continue to work in a state of misery. This caused me wonder ... "Am I really miserable?" Honestly, I'm not quite sure. One thing is certain, the offer just didn't feel right.

In other news, Independence Day in Phoenix was oddly mild, around 80 degrees. And like a true American, I watched fireworks in a camp-chair near a trash-infested, back-alley canal with my two best Phoenician friends. It was just us. No crowd, no lines. The fireworks flashed and bounced off the grungy canal, providing just enough light to see a few impoverished ducks wading into the filthy water. Next to those ducks, life felt just fine.

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