Mar 21, 2011

In the grid, but NOT on it

My alarm sounds at 7:10AM Monday - Friday. I force myself out of bed around 7:30, shower, choose my clothes carefully, eat breakfast, water my plants, and leave for work. From 8:30AM - 4:52PM I am someone else, someone entirely different than me.

Slowly, a three-headed Monster is swallowing me. Its long, boring body coils around my chest and constricts my dreams, suffocating my air supply. Its jaws unhinge and force another part of my destiny into its belly one day at a time. In fact, the Monster keeps interrupting me with silly requests and approval notifications as I type. I spent three hours typing the sentences before this one. Just when I escape the jaws of one, another head grasps my foot and sprains my ankle away from freedom.

The Monster's goal is to eat you, digest you, and soak up each one of your precious nutrients -- this is most often called "Synergy." But before it is ready to dine, it must first fatten you up with promotions, annual reviews, taxes, and meeting after meeting. Each head is hungry for your life: Government, Corporate, and Religion.

Every monster has a weakness, an Achilles heel. This Monster has poor vision. The Monster can only see On The Grid. And so begins my quest ...

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