Aug 9, 2010

I Tip Around 20%

First dates are like tips at a restaurant. Very few want to leave a tip, but one feels a sense of obligation throughout the entire meal. The customer orders, eats, views the bill, and calculates a just amount based on the server's performance, the quality of food, and overall atmosphere. Unfortunate for the server, the tip may be affected by matters out of his or her control.

Take, for example, a Boomer: These people rarely tip over 15%. A college student: Tips are based on gender and attractiveness. A man on a date: Tips in an attempt to impress.

The point: First dates are like tips at a restaurant. The girl, in my case, is already at a great disadvantage. I have preconceived ideas and expectations. I like certain foods more than others. For the most part, she can't control her physical appearance. Hm, I guess that's really it. I can't think of anything else out of her control. She can't control her physical appearance, and that's it. Every other matter is in her hands.

Aha moment: Tips are like a kiddy pool, very shallow. This explains why most first dates are also last dates. This has been my experience. Sad, I know.

Disclaimer: This little deductive reasoning exercise is in no way a commentary on any recent dates. Rather, it is more of a self-discovery.

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