Jul 9, 2010

Fruity People Are the Best

This afternoon at work, I had a few moments to chat with friends online. Breaks have not come often recently, so I decided to multitask. I was chatting AND enjoying a sweet nectarine, cut by mine own hand. In fact, I brought my favorite pocket knife to work in order to cut it. Fruit, to me, tastes so much better when it's cut finely at sharp angles -- which is one reason bananas aren't my favorite -- that's not to say I don't like them, however.

Whilst chatting, my friend mentioned her carefree day near the poolside, where she consumed several cherries. She also mentioned that a mutual friend had a distaste for the small fruit, and she simply couldn't believe it. "Cherries are a mediocre fruit," I told her. The debate was on --

Plain conversation between friends is a blessing under-appreciated --

"Success is counted sweetest
By those who ne're succeed.
To comprehend a nectar
Requires sorest need."

Assuming all fruits are equally fresh and ripe, I've compiled a top 10 list. Many fruits can be combined one with another, and many can be added into desserts, pancakes, muffins, and more. All aspects of the fruit, including taste and health, were taken into account.

"Forbidden Fruit a flavor has
That lawful Orchards mocks --
How luscious lies within the Pod
The Pea that Duty locks --"

10. Lime/Lemon
9. Apple
8. Clementine
7. Kiwi
6. Mango
5. Strawberry
4. Huckleberry
3. Pineapple
2. Raspberry
1. Nectarine


  1. 1. Pineapple
    2. Strawberries
    3. Mango
    4. Blackberries
    5. Raspberries
    6. Blueberries
    8. Clementine tied with Cara Cara Oranges
    9. Peaches
    10. Pears

    Side note: your list is WHACK. do you even know what Huckleberries taste like? pretty much like earth. and i would never guess you as a man who would put something lacking inspiration like apples on your top ten list.

  2. Um, what in the H is Clementine?? AND I can't believe that grapes did not make either of your top 10s!! Huckleberry pancakes, though, is what's up....Heart the huckleberries, but it could be an Idaho thing...

  3. A clementine is a small, usually seedless type of citrus fruit similar to an orange. It's a little larger than a tangerine and tastes much better.

    Grapes and cherries were close, but just didn't make the list ... I can't believe YOU want to include grapes: don't forget that the raisin part of a grape must be taken into account.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Raisins are trash. Grapes, however, when small and sturdy(?), are divine.

    Where would one even find a clementine...never even seen them??
