Jan 21, 2010

Tick Talk

Nothing in life is free. Time is money.

I once drove 70 mph in a 60 mph speed zone on a 3 hour trip: I saved some time.
One time, I told a professor that I would read my essay aloud in front of the entire class if he would allow me to retrieve it from my nearby apartment: I bought some time.

Time after time, time is on my side ... yes, it is.

Right now, currently, I have lots of time, in fact, my time is free -- free time. There is one problem, however, I must spend my free time as I receive it. I must spend my free time in real time. If time is money, then I suppose I have quite the net worth ... well, at this very moment, for this very second anyway.

During this time of free time, I have come to the conclusion that unemployment or retirement is the only way to be continuously rich. As soon as I find a job, I will lose all of my free time and thereby become poor.

Jan 14, 2010


Expenses are part of life.
Earthquake insurance.

Earthquake insurance
At discount rates in Haiti,
It's the new must-have.

It's the new must-have,
Red, white, and blue on 9/12.
Misfortune is green.

Jan 5, 2010

Fort Hall

Life is a series of continuous lotteries.
Buy a ticket and expect to lose.

I am fortunate to be a winner.
I don't expect to win again.
I am happy to play at all.

Life is a gamble.
Double down.
Go big.
Go home.