The spicy pork tacos stared into my eyes as the sweet aroma rose into my snout. Whether by smell, financial responsibility, or compulsion, I forced the trough into my mouth. Yes, the squealing was painful to my ears, but I was uncertain if the noise derived from the pork itself or from some part of me. Clearly, the Race had won, and I had lost. I finished the meal, and like a pig to the slaughter, I rolled to the car. The party relocated to a friend's apartment nearby. En route, I had ample time to ponder the dinner events ... I lost, I lost, I lost.
I cannot presume that each member of our party was as bloated as I, but I can say with some confidence that each partook of the chips and salsa. Sadly, these chips, stained red with each stab into the salsa bowl, were the highlight of the meal. However, the facts aforementioned and herein are trivial compared to the wedges I next attempted to pursue, or the lack thereof, I should say. My teammate and I were full from mediocre Mexican food, and when the night ended, we were empty handed ... without one Trivial Pursuit: 90s Edition wedge.
I suppose the point may not be apparent to the reader, so let me clarify. Feeling so satisfied by free food, I still paid for and completed a healthy-sized meal. I was thus left full on satisfaction and empty on knowledge.
And so I still wander in the maze of life.