Mar 17, 2010


To Creationists, agency, the freedom to choose, is a gift from God. To an Evolutionist, it is a natural element of life. Regardless of point-of-view, agency is the engine of life. My life, a mix of Joseph and Charles, has been full of choices, most of which I have faced with logic and rationale.

There are rare occasions, however, when action is taken without respect to agency. During this state of indecision, divine intervention or natural selection, life moves forward. In this sense, it is a blessing to be acted upon.

The greatest blessings in my life are direct results to decisions made beyond my reason, logic, and control.

The majority of life is spent reasoning and rationalizing. When reason and logic cannot help, it is then when man lives.

Mar 16, 2010

Suspicious Secret

Someone knows something, a secret. This person is divulging information to people responsible for hiring me, or in most cases right now, not hiring me. It simply cannot be a streak of bad luck. Once, maybe. Twice, a little odd. Three times, shame on you!

ABC4 and CW30, a local ABC affiliate in Salt Lake City, advertised an opening for Research Director. I responded to the ad, and with my Nielsen TV experience, I was selected for an interview. I cleaned myself up and headed south, only after about a month of exchanging emails, phone interviews, and proving myself time and time again. After I arrived in SLC and just prior to my interview, I received a call, "Chase, my general manager has decided to take an alternate route. We are canceling the position. I just wanted to call you before you made the trip all the way down here." Gee thanks.

Big Dog Satellite, a Dish Network provider in Idaho Falls, called me to interview for a management position for a new office on the east side of town. I was hesitant to accept the invitation, but I did accept. I showered, shaved, and did the other "S" and suddenly received a phone call, "Chase, one of my guys is sick today, so I am short-handed. We will have to reschedule it. I will call you in a few days." I received no such call.

Idahoan, you know, that company that makes, packages, and sells fake potatoes, phoned me for an interview yesterday. Actually, it was an employment agency that contacted me. I was a little surprised because I had not initiated any communication in this case - a sign that things were too good to be true. Once again, I took care of the three "S's." I took my keys from the kitchen counter and headed for my car in the garage ... ring, ring, buzz, buzz. "Chase, Idahoan just called and wants to hold off for a week or so, and they might also rethink this position."

Please, whoever you are, stop telling people whatever evil secret you are telling them.